DemandGen Radio: Taking Risks and Performing at a High Level

Published on DemandGen Radio on August 6, 2020

Hosted by David Lewis Listen now >

Michelle Killebrew climbed to a high level within marketing leadership by taking risks and stepping out of her comfort zone to build new skills. In this episode, Michelle shares how her career path evolved, how she got started with writing and public speaking, and why it’s important to constantly be challenging yourself. Listen as Michelle shares the importance of self-growth and how to start performing at your highest level.

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Once a week DemandGen Radio airs live, bringing you the top industry experts, thought leaders, authors, marketing technology firms, and senior marketing leaders from around the world to teach YOU the methods and technologies for high-performance marketing. Want to learn more about modern marketing? Check out the previous episode of DemandGen Radio: The D3 Methodology: The 5 “C’s” of Marketing Analytics.